Seabeard Wiki

The Sliding Picture Attraction allows the player to play the Sliding Picture game.

The player can build it after Caleb Shiller sends the player on a quest to repair it.

Once the quest is given the bubble with the construction hard hat and hammer appears above the Sliding Picture Attraction.

If tapped on the player is notified that two Iron Bar, two Rockdust Plank, two Screws, and 7000 coins are needed for the repair.

After selecting to to repair an option to use 42 Pearls is offered to speed up the process.

The entire process will take 24 hours to complete if it is not sped up.

Once the construction is complete a tent is placed over the space the rubble was and a bubble with a hardhat and sledge hammer appear.

After tapping the bubble the Sliding Picture Attraction is revealed.

The game can be played to earn 1, 2, or 3 tickets. If the game is finished in less than 2 minutes, you get 3 tickets. If the game is finished in 2-3 minutes, you get 2 tickets. If the game is finished in more than 3 minutes, you get 1 ticket.

There is a wait time of 12 hours from the first game played at the Carnival (Monster Whacking Attraction, Sliding Picture Attraction, or Combat Challenge Attraction) before this game can be played again.



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