Seabeard Wiki

Milk is produced by the cows on Bullhorn Farm.

There are two cows in the bottom left quadrant of the island.

Once a Cow is a Cowleaf fed it will take 22 minutes and 30 seconds to produce milk.

When the milk is ready it can be picked up at the Cowshed. The bottles stack on the table, and are there until collected.

The Cowshed can have up to three bottles of Milk.

Milk can be sold at the Food Stall for 15 coins in 4 minutes and 30 seconds.



  • There is currently a bug if the player has fed both cows and then go to get the milk. The player must collect at least one milk before feeding the cows again, or else only one milk will appear at the cowshed and the other one will be lost.

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